4 Important Things to Remember When It Comes To Bassinet Safety

4 Important Things to Remember When It Comes To Bassinet Safety

 Safe Co-Sleeper Baby Bassinet

The list is long when it comes to ensuring a safe environment for your baby.  There’s a list of baby proofing for every room in the house, car, and where they sleep.  Since a newborn can sleep for up to 17 hours a day, it’s essential to make sure that their bassinet is safe.

While many parents also consider using a crib for a newborn, most opt for bassinet during the early months of life. A bassinet provides a safe and secure sleeping space that is close to you. Arm’s Reach has been a trusted brand for more than 25 years and coined the phrase “Co-sleeper®.” The first Arm’s Reach® bassinet was created by parents who wanted a safe way to sleep next to their baby.

Over the past several decades, it has won numerous awards and has been recognized by pediatricians. Today, there are six bassinet styles to choose from. Each has a unique design that fits the way you live.

In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and tricks to make sure your bassinet is safe for your baby at all times. 


Use a properly fitting sheet

First, it's important to make sure that you are using proper fitting sheets for your bassinet. The sheets should be snug and not too loose, as this can create a suffocation hazard. It's also important to make sure that the sheets are made of a breathable material, such as cotton, to prevent overheating.


Don’t switch mattresses

It's essential to use the mattress that comes with the bassinet. This mattress is specifically designed to fit the bassinet and has been tested for safety. Using a different mattress can create a gap between the mattress and the sides of the bassinet, which can be a suffocation hazard. Additionally, make sure that the mattress is firm, as a soft mattress can also create a suffocation hazard.


Keep the bassinet clear of toys and blankets

Keep the bassinet free of toys and other items. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies sleep in a bare crib or bassinet to reduce the risk of suffocation. Additionally, it's important to avoid using blankets or other bedding in the bassinet, as these can also create a suffocation hazard. Instead, dress your baby in a wearable blanket or swaddle to keep them warm.


Keep the bassinet close to you – within Arm’s Reach

Keeping a baby within arm’s reach will not only make it easier for you to check on your baby throughout the night, but it will also make it easier for you to respond quickly if your baby needs you. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies sleep in the same room as their parents for at least the first six months of life to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Well respected pediatrician, Dr. William Sears, said, “I believe the safest safest place for most babies to sleep is in an Arm’s Reach® Bedside Co-sleeper® bassinet.  If a mom is breastfeeding, having her baby too close can encourage a baby to be an ‘all night’ feeder, but having your baby too far can cause the infant to become afraid, looking for comfort. The Arm’s Reach Co-sleeper seems to be the best distance for mom and baby to get the best night’s sleep.”


Bassinets are a safe place for baby to sleep

Keeping your baby safe is of the utmost importance, and a bassinet can be a great option for the first few months of your baby's life. However, it's essential to make sure that your bassinet is as safe as possible by using proper fitting sheets, using the mattress that comes with the bassinet, keeping the bassinet free of toys and other items, and keeping the bassinet close to you. By following these tips, you can ensure that your baby is protected at all times and can sleep peacefully as well.

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