Praise for Arm's Reach
Arm’s Reach® Co-Sleeper® Bassinets
have been praised by some of the most influential OB/GYNs and infant care specialists in the world for over two decades.

Here are a few of them:
Dr. William Sears
Is one of the most trusted,
influential pediatricians of the
last 50 years.He says,
“I believe the safest safest place for most for babies to sleep is in an Arm’s reach bedside co-sleeper bassinet.”Dr. Sears believes there is an optimal sleep distance from baby to parent. If a mom is breastfeeding, having baby too close can encourage baby to be an “all night” feeder, but having baby too far can cause the infant to become afraid, looking for comfort.
“The co-sleeper seems to be the best distance for mom and baby to get the best night’s sleep.”
See more from Dr. Sears HERE and HERE
Dr. James McKenna
He says,
“The Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper brand bassinet represents an appropriate compromise for parents who are unsure whether or
not they can provide a safe bedsharing environment for their
infants. Mother and baby can enjoy close proximity, which
maximizes breast-feeding; and/or important sensory exchanges
between the mother and infant, and this side-by-side arrangement maximizes parental mentoring and nighttime
interventions.”See more from Dr. Mckenna HERE

Other experts include:

Dr. JB Warton, D.O.,
Founder - Care Direct Medical
Author Elizabeth Pantley
Lactation Specialist Chele Marmet
The New York Times, Wirecutter magazine methodically
researched bedside sleepers. They considered the advice of a
long list of American institutions dedicated to keeping sleeping
babies safe and determined our co-sleeper
"is the most convenient choice for parents who want to sleep with their baby right next to their bed."
Other Organizations who have endorsed us:
American College of Nurse-Midwives
International Lactation Consultants Association
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association
Attachment Parenting International
International Twins Association
International Association of Infant Massage
Association of Women's Health Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses -
1st Five
Chase Foundation
La Leche League International
Military Spouse
University of Notre Dame Mother-Baby Behavioural Sleep
Nursing Mothers Alliance